Cupertino Poetry Exchange (2014)

April is Poetry Month! To celebrate National Poetry Month 2014, the Cupertino Poet Laureate will be posting a poem a day on this page, “Cupertino Poetry Exchange.” Poems by national, international, and local poets will be represented, with occasional comment.

In order for this to really be an exchange, please respond by posting poems you like to this site, in the “Leave a Reply” comments box.


You can also email them to and I’ll post them for you, with any attribution you provide.

Let’s get some poetry sweeping across our little city!

The image on this page came from a Cupertino Library Foundation “Super Science Search” project called “Rebuilding Cupertino.” I love the colorful map that appears as the cover page for a Project Binder by Alexander and Rajiv. I couldn’t find out more about them, but you can see their awesome vision for the future of Cupertino at this link.

(I came up with the name for this project because it seems like an obvious choice, and have since learned that there is a poetry exchange open mic in New York, and a project underway by the same name in Boston by a fellow who types a poem in exchange for a poem written in his journal. I also found a very cool exchange project on “The Poetry Superhighway” in which poets agree to exchange their books randomly with other poets on the site. Good poets think alike, I guess.)

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